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Watch. Yea, you watch. Slicing off kids’ genitals! You juss watch what um sayin'! D'ese nasty cunt ass people slicing off kids’ genitals. Transfuckingsexuals. That nastiness is what um talkin’ about. Nuh, NUH... Doan be goin’ on lookin’ at me like I'm the crazy one, lockin’ my black ass away juss coz I be tellin’ it like it is. CHILD MUTILATERS!!! SHAVING THE GENITALIA OFF BABIES!!! Turnin’ the innocent into the damned! Yea...They be everywhere now. Flauntin’ it. Even da p’lice have their backs. Here’s one now. More blatant homosexuality. TranscendAgenda. Spreaders of disease. Look at this one! She's laying it on thick. Massacre of the genitalia! This one's flyin the flag for it. Here he is with its homosexual shades. Blood on those dirty fingas! Watch the queerness in this one. Man, woman, it or TING? Yeah, dis one be shaving  the genitalia offa little boys. An he thinks he's gonna walk pass me n stare me thru?!! I not the one ta be fuckin’ wiv today. I’m lockin’ this shit down. Know dhat! This day’s a bad day an I don't need no transexualizer trying to creep up on MY bizNiss. Her hand goin’ on inside that pocket! Stop that shit right now! Noone's gonna be shaving off my genitalia. No way in God's name! N now they wanna be tellin’ me that God’s an IT? An IT!!?? A gender bender new-age makeover for da Lord n Saviour! You can’t neutralize the Almighty. T’is a time of plague. A plague of its an theys an thems. N I'm the crazy one? N it’s my life n freedom that gets caged up? Nuh! I’m out here representin’. Juss dont be representin’ the wrong ting! Call out the mutilators an they’ll have you strapped at back, needle in yo ass, boring a hole  thru the skull as they attempt to disable the truth. But you know what? You carnt be disablin’ this truth. This ain’t no truth that’s gonna lie down n die for noone! Real talk! Yous all can’t silence this noise, no matter how crazy you name it. Yea. This one’s been stitched back up. You carnt tell what’s down her trousers. An’ look how it walks, and its tail. A monstrosity. Monster City. N they wanna lock me up for refuzin’ tuh come in wiv dhem? Lock me up n feed me fish from the canal? Dhem same fish that now be growing both sexual organs… Swimmin’ round in ever tighter circles trYina fuck themselves?! You aint gettin’ this one. But come the summer, they sure is fast enuff to pull my ass in off the street for exposing a big black Jamaican tittie! They know dhem cheap dresses don’t fit right n they lock me up for it? You get on down to your tailors an blame them! Investigate them! That p’lice superintendant at Hammersmith with a beard an a cunt! That’s right. You heard it here! G’orn, you walk on by like I ain’t talkin’ to you! Yeah, you wanna stop? What you got in that pocket of yours? His hands in his pocket: MUTILATOR! Its smokin’! Not satisfied with shaving off GENITALIA it now makes a play on its lungs. Yeah, you. Damn right I’m talkin’ ta you. You aint gonna make nothing of it so keep bouncin’. That’s right. Walk that wiggly line of yours, like that ass has been fucked this way n that. You think I’m gonna give you a break? What break d’yu ever give me? They tell them offen enough: Doan validate her delusions… Well, I won’t validate yours either. The masked spreaders of disease, slicing off them genitals with their unsterile scalpels. Cuttin’ the family line. Yeah, you know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout! Get outta here ‘fore yo get yo’self some real black cat. That’s right. Black cat, for real I said it. Now move it along. You just keep moving right along like that, yea, yea, juss like that n that you FUCKING MUTILATOR. Uh-huh, yea, that’s what I said, MUTILATOR. I got you, doan  worry your fucked up white ass ‘bout d’hat… I got you for real.

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